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Have you lost your house key? (home and general entrance door)

The elevator is not working properly

My toilet is clogged

Am I allowed to have a pet?

Common room

Am I entitled to Rent Allowance?

Is your internet connection not working?


Coen Hagedoorn comes by 24/7 for this purpose. You will of course have to pay the costs incurred for this yourself. The costs for this are €110. So it's a good idea to give a spare key to one of your neighbors. Tip: first check whether our social manager is present during office hours. In most cases he can walk with you to open the door.

If the elevator does not work, you can call the Kone company yourself: 070 317 10 00.

In case of blockage you can call RRS yourself: 030 248 26 00.

Dogs and cats are not allowed, but assistance dogs are. You must ask permission to keep small pets in a cage that do not cause any nuisance. This can be done via WhatsApp.

One home per floor has been kept empty. This house is the common area. We have equipped the room with a front door with glass, so that you can always see who is inside.

You can find this at . You can also apply for housing allowance here.

You can reset the modem via the reset button on the front. Press the reset button (10 seconds) until all lights have flashed twice. You can now log in again with the above details.

Is your internet connection still not working after the reset or do you have other questions about your internet connection? Please contact the Place2BU Internet Helpdesk: 070 328 16 22.

490 enthusiastic Place2BU residents live in a small area. We assume that everyone is nice to each other and that there will be no nuisance. Below we describe what you should do if you experience nuisance from your neighbors. What to do yourself in case of nuisance? Initially, it is always best to start the conversation yourself and ask if, for example, the music could be turned down a bit. Make sure that you are calm before you start the conversation. Experience shows that when you start the conversation when you are angry, the outcome is more often negative than positive. Introduce yourself calmly and explain what the nuisance is doing to you, don't make any accusations. Are you stuck? Please report the nuisance via .The Place2BU social manager will then contact you within 2 working days.

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